The BBQ Jackfruit Experience | World's Largest Tree Fruit (Bookalokal Host: Amanda)

The BBQ Jackfruit Experience | World's Largest Tree Fruit (Bookalokal Host: Amanda)

Rockville, Maryland

Price: $15 USD

I want to show you how to take the world's largest tree fruit and turn it into something we all love, Pulled BBQ Jackfruit Sandwiches!

We will be using fresh jackfruit, not the kind that comes in a can.

Dissecting the jackfruit is a lot of fun and I want you to experience this exotic fruit in all it's glory. After we dissect this beast of a fruit, I will show you how easy it is to make a fabulous BBQ sandwich and provide you with 3 other recipes to utilize the whole fruit. I will not only provide you with a sandwich that will blow your mind but I will also be providing 2 sides for a complete vegan meal.

Did you know that juicy fruit gum tastes nearly identical to jackfruit? That's right, the actual fruits within the jackfruit can be eaten raw and will remind you of the beloved juicy fruit gum we used to love as kids.

The jackfruit experience is a hit amongst all my friends! I'm glad to have found bookalokal to be able to share this amazing experience with all of you! The event will be taking place at my home in Rockville, MD where we will have plenty of space